Wednesday 26 April 2017

A little gem called ISU Collections

I was invited to ISU Collections by Danayi, the founder and owner, after she discovered my blog on facebook...which was a great compliment to me...little did I know that I would come to discover this little gem called ISU Collections which is a contemporary African inpired lifestyle store that focuses on stocking an array of locally sourced  and produced lifestyle products ranging from home decor & accessories, African inspired apparel, African inspired fabric, comtemporary African inspired art and photography, locally produced organic beauty products  and more....I fell in love right there ...this is exactly the kind of concept that is very close to my heart and I fully support her bravery in starting this great initiative and I think from here we will be collaborating on a few projects linked to my own will be seeing some of that on this blog.  Beyond this ISU Collections hosts DIY sessions with various types of artists and they also host music events with  'The Movement'. My visit to this little gem really inspired me and I saw that when you really want to do something you can get it done...I will keep you posted on what we do next. Below are some lovely pics of the place and some of the them a visit and be equally inspired!

ISU Collections hosts the following events on a monthly basis: 
  • DIY Sessions
  • Vintage Yard Sale in collaboration with Vintage Hippo
  • Sound Series - A late night shopping experience inclusive of Good Food, good music and an even better vibe
  • Book Clubs (Launching In May)
  • Real Life Stories (Launching In May)

Opening Hours:

Mon-Friday: 9.00am-5.00pm
Saturday: 9.00am-1.00pm

Contact Details:

Monday 24 April 2017

Coffee Break@Aroma Caffe

Aroma Caffe is just next door to  one of my favourite cafes Queen of Hearts so I thought I would give it a try since I was already in the area... I drove in, parked and I walked into the garden... At Aroma Caffe you can sit at a table on their nice big varandah or you can sit at a table in their spacious garden under a shade... I picked a table in the garden and ordered a capuccino and a snack...while attempted to get a bit of work done on my computer. Sitting there in the garden rather than in the office made the task of trying to get through my 'to do list' a much more pleasant affair...

Opening Hours: 
Monday-Saturday: 7.30am-4.30pm
Sunday: Closed 

Contact Information

Thursday 13 April 2017

The Market @ Maasdorp

If you are looking for one of the best places to buy a variety of locally grown fruits ,vegetables, nuts, seeds, banting products, farm fresh eggs, home-made snacks, jams and other treats as well as organic products and more… the Maasdorp Market is the place to go. The Maasdorp Market is a unique market in Harare that brings together a variety of local entrepreneurs who produce home-made and home grown  foods to sell. In addition to the food stalls, there are stalls where other locally made products are sold including, baskets, hand-made jewellery, ornaments and more.

Opening Times 
Wednesday 8.30am-1.00pm
Friday 8.30am - 1.00pm

Contact Details

Monday 10 April 2017

Pop up Brunch @ Teta

For a while I have been thinking about creating the concept of a monthly pop up brunch. I  finally decided to stop thinking and start doing, so this last weekend, I organized the first of many pop-up brunches that I have planned for this year. This concept  is perfect for me because allows me to visit more new places and talk about them on my blog and  it allows me to spend time with interesting people while enjoying great food.  The venue for this brunch was Teta which is a restaurant/café that was recommended by one of my guests. I had toyed with a few other venues before this recommendation but I ended up deciding to give this one a try. Teta opened late last year …so I was definitely curious as I had not heard of it as yet.  We arrived at Teta mid -morning on Saturday…I was pleasantly surprised by the charm of the place it is very appealing, the décor is a mix of ultra modern with African accents…very stylish… i'm happy to say that all my guests arrived within a short time, the introductions were made as  we quickly made our orders the guests began the process of getting to know each other. I was the only person they knew in common… so I had taken the risk of bringing strangers together at a place that I had never been to.  Luckily for me the guests were so pleasantly surprised with how great the place and the company was and the afternoon ended being so refreshingly delightful that we plan to do it again before month end at a different place!!!

Opening Times
Monday -Thursday: 8.00am-5.00pm
      Friday & Saturday:8.00am-10.00pm
       Sunday:  8.00am-12.00pm
Contact Details

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Real Food Update

 If are you into healthy eating but like me you are too lazy to prepare your own healthy meals ...having to prepare your own meals makes healthy living quite tedius... but there is a solution to our problem...we can order healthy food from Zimbabwe's first recipe box company... Real Food. When you order you receive 3 delicious recipes and a precise quantity of the finest in season vegetables, quality locally sourced meat as well as ready-made dressings, nuts, cheeses and seeds. You can order for a couple or family of 4. All this is then delivered to your door free of charge. Recipes are quick and easy to follow, gluten-free, low-carb and delicious... convenience at its best! Let Real Food make healthy eating easy for you!

Deliveries are every Tuesday afternoon between 1300 and 1630.

 Orders for the following week close at 2100 every Sunday.

Contact Details:

Me & The Real Food Team Jules & Kate!