Monday, 20 March 2017

Experience real Italian cooking at Little Eataly

I had occasion to go out to eat after a friend with whom I'm working on a project suggested we go and see the new restaurant, that her friends recently opened at Doone Estate,called Little Eataly. I had not been to Donne Estate in a very long time... so I thought, why not give it a try?  We arrived just after lunch, although we had not had lunch I was resisting ordering anything... but I liked the look of the place... a very relaxed rustic setting...we sat on the cool airy varandah and the smiling hostess came to greet us... before long she managed to talk me into ordering a vegetable tart... and it was really unexpectedly good!!! I will definitely order it next time..

At Little Eataly they make their own fresh pasta and they have a large variety of Italian dishes on their, menu. So if you are lover of Italian food this one place you should certainly try.

Opening Times: 
Monday-Saturday: 8am-5pm
Dinners: Wednesday-Saturday

Contact Details

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